Metal garden beds typically last at least 30 years if cared for properly. The biggest factor affecting the lifespan of a metal garden bed is the type of soil it is regularly exposed to. Highly acidic soils can damage the zinc coating around metal garden beds, shortening the life of the beds themselves over time.
As mentioned above, how long your metal garden bed will last depends largely on the acidity of its surroundings. The biggest concern is the acidity of the soil, which should be of great interest to anyone thinking of purchasing metal garden beds in the near future.
How durable are metal garden beds?
Metal garden beds, also known as galvanized steel garden beds, are raised garden beds that are gaining popularity due to their ability to keep weeds out and maintain perfect soil quality.
Galvanized steel is a very popular material and due to its durability it is used in a variety of gardening products such as water storage containers, sheds, roofs and more. They are also very easy to maintain and durable if you take steps to minimize the effects of zinc leaching.
Since metal garden beds can be quite expensive, it is in any gardener's best interest to ensure they get the most out of the life of the purchase. One of the key ways to do this is to understand what zinc leaching is and how it affects metal garden beds.

When your garden soil is too acidic, it can cause the zinc coating that covers your metal garden beds to start breaking down. While the decomposition process is relatively slow, over time it can shorten the lifespan of metal garden beds. Also, the more acidic the soil, the faster it will decompose.
This is why anyone thinking of using metal garden beds should first consider the acidity of the soil. Garden soils tend to have a neutral to slightly acidic pH, which can affect the durability of metal garden beds. It is recommended to use pH neutral soil or to neutralize any acidic soil before using with metal garden beds.
You may also want to consider using pH neutral water for your plants. Natural water sources, such as taps or wells, may not be pH-neutral or may contain other substances (such as chloride or calcium) that can affect soil acidity. Avoid strongly acidic water sources or any water that has not been treated to neutralize the pH, as this will speed up the breakdown of zinc in metal planters.
Also, keep in mind the preferred acidity levels for plants in your garden. The biggest mistake a gardener can make is assuming that all the plants he grows like pH-neutral soil.
While yes, many plants do grow best in pH neutral soil, with some common exceptions including azaleas, camellias, and hydrangeas.
Neutralizing all soil and water to prepare metal garden beds may adversely affect the growth of acidic plants, so be sure to do proper research beforehand.