Share the easiest way to grow raised bed gardening

Today we are going to introduce raised garden planting beds. If you're looking for an easier way to garden, raised garden planting beds can be your best friend.

Using this technique, you can effortlessly harvest plentiful fruit and vegetables, plentiful flowers, and endless herbs. Gardening in a raised bed is so easy!

Introduction to Raised Planting Beds

Gardening in raised raised beds is basically a hybrid gardening technique. It's half container gardening and half raised bed gardening.

Traditional raised bed planting has no bottom and is larger in size, while container planting has a bottom that holds the soil and is much smaller than raised beds. Raised bed gardening combines the best of both worlds.

In this way, the soil can be fully contained, the vegetable production area is basically finalized, the height of the raised planting bed is increased, and the gardener can work standing.

Advantages of Raised Planting Beds

The benefits of gardening with raised raised beds are many. As well as the obvious advantage of being able to plant or pick vegetable orchids without having to bend over or kneel, gardening in a raised box means you'll be able to enjoy the following benefits: l No weeds l No ground pest infestation


the root

l No soil-borne fungal diseases

l No rabbits and groundhogs on the lettuce

l No need to set up sprinklers or drip irrigation system for watering

l Soggy clay or fast-draining sandy soils are no problem

l Can be harvested without leaving the balcony or terracel

No backaches, squeaky knees, or inflamed hips in a loft bed. Performance First, look for a raised bed that drains well and has durable materials. The elevated planter pictured is constructed of naturally corrosion-resistant cedar planks with sturdy, rust-resistant aluminum feet. It has withstood Mother Nature's many trials, with legs capable of supporting hundreds of pounds of soil and plant material. There are also flower boxes in different colors for your choice. healthy

Make sure your pots are healthy, non-toxic and hazard-free. If you plan to grow edible food, it should be free of plastic, harmful paint and stains, and chemically preserved wood.


Next, consider the size of your planter box. Raised bed grow boxes mean your plant roots will be limited by the size of the grow box. Make sure the seedling soil is deep enough to provide enough space for the roots of tubers such as carrots or larger plants such as tomatoes, eggplants, and sunflowers.

The usual size of a raised bed is 90-120cm wide and 180-240cm long, this size can take care of every vegetable in the raised box. If you're building or setting up multiple loft beds, make sure you leave enough space between them to be able to walk between them. For long-term plantings, add compost or mulch between or within the raised pots to ensure each raised bed is easy to use.

The overall height of the loft bed is also important. Too high and it will be inconvenient for you to operate, too low and you will bend over in the operating room.


Finally, it is important to consider the maintenance needs of the grower. Raised bed planting should make your life easier, not complicate it. Avoid flower boxes that need to be painted or stained daily, or that will rust, warp, or become brittle in direct sunlight.

Place raised pots

Once you've chosen the right elevated planter for you, it's time to place it. These pots can get heavy when filled with soil, so don't fill the pots until you are happy with where they are.

Most fruits and vegetables need at least 6-8 hours of full sun, so plant boxes should be placed in full sun. If the variety you are growing likes shade, place the box in the shade.

Also, make sure your raised pots are close to a water source for quick watering. After all, lugging the kettle to great distances every day is a big drag. Therefore, you can place the planter close to the kitchen.

full pot

As with outdoor planting, the secret to success in raised pots is the soil. Although most raised pots are very durable, they are not suitable for heavy clay-based garden soil. In fact, a mix of high-quality potting soil and compost is the way to go.

Mix 2/3 potting soil with 1/3 compost, add organic granular fertilizer, and you're ready to go! (Of course, if you're growing cacti or succulents; add sandy soil to the mix instead of compost)

What can be grown in raised pots?

l When it comes to planting gardeners, the possibilities are endless! There are many plants that can grow well in such an environment!

Grow compact vegetable varieties such as 'Rolling Tom' tomatoes, 'Fairytale' eggplants, 'Mohawk Terrace' peppers, and 'Thumb lily' carrots in raised pots.

l How about herbal heaven? "Spicy Balls" basil, thyme, lemongrass, rosemary and parsley all grow perfectly.

Dwarf berry plants, such as 'Strawberry Shortcake' red raspberries, 'Topper' blueberries, and strawberries, are beautiful and productive in raised beds.

Fresh flowers are another lovely option. Most annuals do well in pots,

l Fairy gardens and miniature plants are another unique option, especially when the height of the pots is at level with curious little hands and eyes.

l In raised pots, you can even grow dwarf shrubs and dwarf evergreens. Doing so will create an excellent privacy barrier between enclosed balconies, patios, and porches.