Reason 1: Better soil
The quality of the soil in the yard is usually not conducive to plant growth because of its poor composition and the soil around the house is severely compacted during construction. It may only be used to grow grass, not deep enough to break up compacted soil. By installing modular metal raised garden beds, you can fill your own with good quality soil for your plants. Organic-rich, well-drained soil helps your garden thrive by allowing your plants to develop an extensive root system. In contrast, plants in the ground usually have shallow roots unless the ground is extensively tilled before planting. You can add a few inches of compost and mulch to the top of the soil, which will help retain moisture and add nutrients to the soil.
Reason 2: Free choice of soil
Raised garden beds give you complete control over the texture, composition and quality of your soil. When choosing fill soil for modular metal raised garden beds, you can create a custom soil mix for each grower after separating the plants according to soil preference. Most plants prefer a neutral to slightly acidic pH. If some of your plants prefer acidic soil, you can make a different mix for them without harming those plants that prefer an alkaline environment. The ideal soil type is loose, well-drained, sandy loam rich in organic matter. You should avoid cheap earth bags as they are not nutritious and may contain weeds, debris and other contaminants. You can purchase special metal raised garden soil bags to fill your garden beds with and regularly use organic compost or mulch over your garden beds to improve soil quality.
Reason 3: Increase fruit and vegetable production
You can enjoy your favorite fruits and vegetables in your own backyard on a regular basis. Growing vegetables and fruit in raised beds in the garden is very beneficial. Improve the ruddy color of fruits, making fruits and vegetables more beautiful and delicious. With a higher density than ground plants, you can plant more plants closer together, or use effective small space techniques to maximize your available space and ensure higher productivity than fruit in the same row planting space . Raised garden beds produce four times as many vegetables as ground vegetables.
Reason Four: Reduce Chemical Pollutants
Many gardeners are concerned that the chemicals in galvanized aluminum modular metal raised garden beds will leach into the plants, reducing the potential for the plants to absorb harmful substances from the contaminated soil. This is especially important in urban areas, which contain higher concentrations of heavy metals, including lead. If you live in an urban environment, you should avoid filling raised garden beds with native soil.

Reason 5: Reduce weed growth
Many gardeners find the process of weeding the garden tedious and by raising the garden above the ground it helps to reduce weeds
Climb into your loft bed. While it is normal for some weeds to be blown into the bed, raised garden beds will have far less weed impact than a garden that sits directly on the ground and is filled with weed-free soil and compost. Additionally, weeds can be removed and their growth suppressed if the plants are placed close to each other.