What materials are suitable as backing for modular metal raised garden beds?
If you plan to grow herbs and vegetables for food, make sure you are not using treated wood. Such materials may contain toxic chemicals that may leach into the soil and the plants you eat. Avoid adding extra chemicals to your modular metal raised garden beds by choosing untreated wood. Some untreated wood species can also provide additional benefits. Untreated cedar, for example, is naturally resistant to insects and rot, making it a fairly low-maintenance option.

Lining the bottom of raised metal garden beds with stiff cloth or wire mesh will help keep pests like gophers or moles from getting inside the garden bed. Network cables also help garden beds drain. If you plan to use them in a vegetable, fruit or herb garden, avoid materials that may not have a food-safe coating to prevent any toxins from leaching into the soil.

Newspaper or Cardboard If you're looking for an environmentally friendly and inexpensive metal raised liner for the bottom of your garden beds, try some old uncoated newspaper or cardboard. These options also act as a barrier against unwanted weeds and provide insulation. However, these materials also allow deep-rooted plants to continue to grow and extend into the ground. Cardboard and newspaper are also excellent sources of nutrition because they are considered "brown" or carbon-based substances that break down over time.

Many people use plastic sheeting or tarps as liners for added protection and insulation to their modular metal raised garden beds. One downside to plastic is that it may not drain properly if used on the bottom of a garden bed. This can lead to waterlogging and waterlogging, which can lead to problems like root rot, and it is best to use plastic as the liner inside a modular metal raised garden bed.

Landscape cloth and landscape cloth are ideal for preventing weed growth and reducing soil erosion. Many landscape fabrics are designed to allow water and air to circulate but keep weeds from growing in the fabric. Landscape fabric provides good ventilation and helps plants thrive.

After choosing the perfect location for your modular metal raised garden bed, layer the bottom with a backing material of your choice. If you're using mesh wire or landscape fabric, use landscape or garden pegs to hold it in place. Make sure the material is suitable for the walls of the garden bed. If you're using landscape fabric on the bottom and sides, fold the excess material over the interior walls to create a tight weed barrier. Once the liner is set, just add soil and plants. Liners are a great way to get the most out of modular metal raised garden beds. Not only are you protecting your soil from extreme temperature changes, but you're protecting it from other threats as well.